
When you place your order, your products will be handled and delivered to your desired location. The delivery and handling process are carried out by store owner(s), Jeju Diary does not involve in these procedures; yet we will make sure that your ordered will be processed accordingly. 

Delivery Fee 

Delivery fee will charged based on locations. Mostly, places located in central or close to central Phnom Penh are charged 2.00$ for delivery fee. If your location is on the outskirt of town or in provinces, the delivery fee will be charged based on the delivery company price or the price set by store owner(s) or our site.

Delivery Time

After the order is placed, Jeju Diary will send the order lists to store owners. Your parcel will e delivered to your doorstep in the next days. If you have any special delivery request, leave us a note/directly contact the store owner social media pages.

More information will be updated soon.